Transparency in relations and interests

At Ipsen, we consider transparency to be a key requirement to nurture relations of trust with patients, stakeholders and the general public. Our policy of transparency extends across all aspects of our collaboration with healthcare professionals and organizations and is designed to make sure that the pharmaceutical industry’s ethical principles are fully complied with.

Interactions between industries and healthcare professionals are a positive driver for the development of patient treatment and value of research advancements in patient care and progression of innovative medicines.

Industry and healthcare professionals collaborate in a range of activities  from clinical research to sharing best clinical practice and exchanging information on how new medicines fit into the patient pathway.

The Society has increasingly high expectations especially on healthcare matters. IPSEN want to make sure that we meet these expectations, and for this purpose we are keen to ensure this relationship is understood by patients, the media, other stakeholders, and more generally the public.

All interactions with European healthcare professionals are governed by EU Directive, the EFPIA* Codes, as well as national codes, regulations and procedures. EFPIA agreed on the EFPIA Disclosure Code (June 2013), which requires the public disclosure of payments to healthcare professionals and healthcare organisations starting 2016 (for payments made in 2015).

The disclosures include transfers of value made for activities such as research and educational grants to healthcare organisations as well as transfers of value to healthcare professionals such as speaker fees, consultancy activities and advisory boards.

Additionally in Denmark, interactions with healthcare professionals are governed by the Danish Health Act and the Executive Order no. 1154 (2014). This law requires healthcare professionals to apply for, or notify the Danish Medicinal Agency of all collaboration with the industry. The industry is obliged to file an annual report to the Danish Medicinal Agency comprising all collaboration with Danish healthcare professionals in the previous calendar year. This information is published on the Danish Medicines Agency´s website.

ENLI is the regulatory body for the pharmaceutical industry in Denmark. It ensures that companies affiliated to ENLI abide by ethical rules and guidelines as set out by the EFPIA and ENLI.

*EFPIA = the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations

Publication of transfers of value to Recipients aims at reporting the values (monetary or in-kind) to HCPs/HCOs our company is collaborating / has relationships with, following the objectives and provisions included in the applicable codes. Individual disclosures have been consented to by individual Recipients – such consent has been given to allow complying with the applicable codes that our company signed off to.
These publications do not grant a general permission for those accessing our website or the national platforms to undertake additional processing of the healthcare professionals’ data.
For a good understanding of the reporting included in our disclosures as published on this website, we refer to the Methodological Note that clarifies the meaning and content of the transfers of value reported.

Sweden Finland Denmark Norway
Metodnotering SVERIGE Methodological note
Grant Herlev Hospital 2023  Metodenotat NORGE
Grant Rigshospitalet
Verdioverforingar NORGE
Värdeöverföringar SVERIGE 2022 Arvonsiirto SUOMI 2022 Hjernesagen
Verdioverforingar NORGE 2022
Värdeöverföringar SVERIGE 2023 Arvonsiirto SUOMI 2023 Grant Danish Urology Society
Verdioverforingar NORGE 2023
Last update 06/12/2024